Other Writing
A short story I wrote when I was 18, following a family holiday to the Pyrennees, based on a local folktale about an old medieaval bridge and the infernal bargain the townsfolk had made in order to construct it.
A fairy tale that I attempted to write in the style of Oscar Wilde; about a prince stuck in the top of a tower for his own protection.
Following a prompt of "tangerines" (from my dad, I believe), this story explores memory.
A review of a fictional play, inspired by the Southwark Playhouse's original space under the railway arches, long before they moved to their current Elephant & Castle location.
Snow White, from a different perspective. A story about the story underlying the tale we know.
In one of the many tales told about the knight Roland, he is said to have fallen into a long slumber. This story explores what it would be like to wake up from such an enchanted sleep.
A poem, in response to the prompt "The Great Detective"
A short sci-fi horror story exploring the nature of conciousness, written in the form of a scientific report.